Diary of an Alien

This world has taken on the likes of a ghost town. Communication through even native language appears mostly broken. Spectrums of understanding, lost. What is left for a majority is polarity of judgements and extremes… people making core decisions through emotional memetic triggers and deep fake information that was originally derived for entertainment purposes.

Few still appear attached to reality and remain curiously collaborating. Embracing the true nature of living within the animated self sustaining existence of life.

The rest appear to embrace a sort of dead inanimate environment that the human ego has created through the abuse of technology, sacrifice of life sustaining resources for short term comfort, competition, and inability to reason with one another.

Blindly and wastefully feasting upon their own destruction without appearing to create any checkpoints to stop and reflect on. Greed seems to supersede their own existence… leaving their children with the totality of burden. Overpopulation complicating issues, as resources dwindle.

  • Plastics created to last nearly forever, utilized for one time use and then discarded. Polluting the world and recycled into the bloodstream.
  • A monetary system designed to best reward those who don’t really do work, but capitalize on the interest of and create inflation for those who do.
  • No properly fit leadership willing to run for office and lead for fear they will be placed in the spotlight, judged and forever tormented by any mistakes of their past by those they might truly wish to help.
  • Markets placing an absurd emphasis on growth in turn creating a jevons paradox based system by which efficiency does not equal conservation but rather creates even more consumption of limited resources, while also producing more pollution, and adding to the accumulation of waste.
  • Unnecessary wars of misunderstanding fought with threats of existential total annihilation, instead of working towards global collaboration and resourcefulness.

Sorry for this sad, but essential rant of stupidity…

Signed: Not of this world, but still have HOPE!