Natural Selection

The most beautiful thing about Life is that without these extreme perspectives which create the entire spectrum of experience, our illusory separated conscious awareness would not exist.

To each perceiver, (including you) a unique reality appears as an internal mental construct created by the accumulation of all that is perceived to be separate outer perceptions (the other yous) which are all part of the same experience, contributing to the spectrum within the extremes.

It works the same as when you think you are making your own decision (here in the forth dimension). Except the real decision is being made at the next level higher by the experience, and you are just playing out one of all necessary facets of truth for consideration going into each larger choice (at the fifth dimensional level of the experience).

All gets separated out and into chaos through unique facets of experience. To then be used for comparison in order to make the next combination or natural selection. Contributing to progression or evolution of the overall experience.