The True Matter with Things

During our conditioned subjective perspective experience within this earthly existence, we might tend to think that things matter. While in the moment, as our timeline moves along, we could continually sense that there is something the matter with things (while a perceived past chronologically keeps tabs on progress of the overall experience, and an imagined future tells us if we are headed on the right path).

But is anything really wrong… is there anything really the matter? What is matter and is there a correct and true direction that matters?

What is Love?

Love is the sense of energy heading in the direction of security or a kind of peaceful bliss. Love is blinding and can even supersede any earthly partial truth, overriding the self ego and illusion of freewill. Ultimately Love is the reveal of a greater truth (that of the entire experience) and the only real freewill.

What is the Opposite of Love?

Ironically, the opposite of love is not hate, anger, or disagreement; but closer to indifference or apathy (to not care or experience at all). It is when experience ceases to exist, when empathy disappears. And to the ultimate extreme, when there is no longer any else or other to be thought.

Life is an Experience of the Opposites

Experience makes up the greatest gift of this earthly existence. It is the spice of life; inclusive of all spectrums of extremes that only by experiencing, eventually become understood. It is the knowledge of good and evil, with perhaps the most astonishing reveal during this earthly existence that they both reside as extremes in part of the same one as a whole.

Love, Freewill, and the Lie within Truth (The Game)

Love, Freewill and the reason for a Lie within the Greater truth of experience (on this timeline of existence). The following scenario can best be understood by holding the perspective as might be seen through the eyes during the life of a Christian. However, it could also easily be applied outside of that construct.

Here begins the conversation within oneself:

Earthly Me: This earthly existence is so tough. I suffer in trying to do what I am compelled by my inner self to do… while conforming to society.

God/Inner Self: Suffering is just another experience of consciousness… resulting from being formed into matter. There is no suffering upon the return ~ in the afterlife.

Earthly Me: Then why would one create the concept of Hell and eternal suffering?

God/Inner Self: One had to find a way to make the consequences serious, or you wouldn’t take any of your actions seriously.

You might then become selfish (acting upon your ego), accidentally destroying the rest of the parts that make up this separated existence and a return to oneness, possible. And in turn, suffer by destroying the entirety of oneness through the separation of oneself from all its parts. (returning energy to a state of nothingness).

Earthly Me: So ultimately you’re just playing a mind game to find and put order to chaos?

God/Inner Self: No, one was once alone, got bored, and didn’t want to stay in a state of Indifference. So, out of Love, one split oneself up (like shattering a mirror) into all possible perspectives in order to create experience. But also needed to keep track of change by creating a timeline. So that then, (while apart in pieces) we could find the only way back to one.

Earthly Me: I understand and now see. Although it is tough, I forgive you for all you’ve put me (and all other parts of me/you) through in an effort to have us/you gain understanding and find the truth of Love.

God/Inner Self: That was the point! To learn to see through separation that all is one. To step outside of ones perspective to see oneself. To learn how not to judge but rather curiously understand and forgive oneself and all other self similar (but differing to a degree of extreme) parts that make up the whole of oneself.

Now exit this meditation or prayer and go back out there to make disciples of more chickens…

As we laugh together like old friends in an earthly life. Experiencing the joke together in an effort to take away all that at the time seems so serious, but outside of time, doesn’t really “matter”.

That’s what I call “The True Matter with Things”.

P.S. Your experience might be different, as historically I’ve eaten a lot of chicken. And as is often said, you are what you eat or you become what you think about. Take your choice, I won’t care, just thought I’d throw that trivial piece of potentially real information out there.