Author name: lance

Diary of an Alien

This world has taken on the likes of a ghost town. Communication through even native language appears mostly broken. Spectrums of understanding, lost. What is left for a majority is polarity of judgements and extremes… people making core decisions through emotional memetic triggers and deep fake information that was originally derived for entertainment purposes.

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The True Matter with Things

During our conditioned subjective perspective experience within this earthly existence, we might tend to think that things matter. While in the moment, as our timeline moves along, we could continually sense that there is something the matter with things (while a perceived past chronologically keeps tabs on progress of the overall experience, and an imagined

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Natural Selection

The most beautiful thing about Life is that without these extreme perspectives which create the entire spectrum of experience, our illusory separated conscious awareness would not exist. To each perceiver, (including you) a unique reality appears as an internal mental construct created by the accumulation of all that is perceived to be separate outer perceptions

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